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This module provides some useful traits and types for numerical operations. Currently it provides the traits Zero, One, and AssertWithinBitRange as well as an UnsignedInteger type for ECLAIR.

Zero, One

These traits can be implemented for a type T relative to a compiler COM in order to indicate that COM understands a notion of zero/one value for T. Moreover, the trait specifies how COM determines whether a given instance of T is equal to that zero/one value:

/// Additive Identity
pub trait Zero<COM = ()> {
/// Verification Type
type Verification;

/// Returns the additive identity for `Self`.
fn zero(compiler: &mut COM) -> Self;

/// Returns a truthy value if `self` is equal to the additive identity.
fn is_zero(&self, compiler: &mut COM) -> Self::Verification;

Note the Verification type, which allows fn is_zero to output "truthy values" in whatever sense is appropriate for COM. For the native compiler COM = () we would choose Verification = bool. For a compiler such that COM: Has<bool>, we would likely choose Verification = Bool<COM> to be this compiler's boolean type. (Note, however, that we do not require that COM: Has<bool> for this trait.)

The trait One is similar to Zero:

/// Multiplicative Identity
pub trait One<COM = ()> {
/// Verification Type
type Verification;

/// Returns the multiplicative identity for `Self`.
fn one(compiler: &mut COM) -> Self;

/// Returns a truthy value if `self` is equal to the multiplicative identity.
fn is_one(&self, compiler: &mut COM) -> Self::Verification;

Bit Range Assertion

Range checks arise frequently in ZK circuits. One reason is that the primitive data type in a ZK proving system is often a finite field element. When we use one of these finite field elements to represent a quantity such as a 20-byte ETH address we need to ensure that the field element really is within the correct range.

In the native computation setting this is a straightforward comparison between the finite field element (represented as a positive integer) and the maximum size of a 20-byte integer. However a non-native compiler needs to generate constraints that are satisfied only if the finite field element lies in the correct range.

ECLAIR's interface for range checks is the trait AssertWithinBitRange:

/// Within-Bit-Range Assertion
/// # Restrictions
/// This `trait` assumes that `BITS > 0` and does not currently support `BITS = 0`.
/// In this case we would have an assertion that `x < 2^0 = 1` which is just that
/// `x = 0` in most systems. For this usecase, the [`Zero`] `trait` should be
/// considered instead.
pub trait AssertWithinBitRange<T, const BITS: usize> {
/// Asserts that `value` is smaller than `2^BITS`.
fn assert_within_range(&mut self, value: &T);

This trait is implemented by a compiler type COM to specify how COM constrains values of type T to lie in the range specified by BITS. The line


causes the compiler to generate constraints that are satisfied only if value lies within the range specified by BITS.

Unsigned Integers

The AssertWithinBitRange trait allows ECLAIR to handle unsigned integers within proof systems as finite field elements with a checked size. We define unsigned integers as a thin wrapper around a type T:

/// Unsigned Integer
pub struct UnsignedInteger<T, const BITS: usize>(T);

One should think of this construction as analogous to representing a boolean value with a u8. The u8 type is acting as a container for the boolean value. But this container is "too large" in the sense that many u8 values do not correspond to a boolean value. Before interpreting a u8 as a boolean it is necessary to check that its value lies in the range [0,1].

Similarly, when we work within a proving system over a finite field, we may need to use field elements as a container for unsigned integer types. In this case a range check is required to make sure that the value in this container really does have an interpretation as an unsigned integer of the given size.

The compiler type COM does not appear as part of the UnsignedInteger type, but it must be mentioned whenever we construct or mutate an UnsignedInteger:

impl<T, const BITS: usize> UnsignedInteger<T, BITS> {
/// Builds a new [`UnsignedInteger`] over `value` asserting that it does not
/// exceed `BITS`-many bits.
pub fn new<COM>(value: T, compiler: &mut COM) -> Self
COM: AssertWithinBitRange<T, BITS>,

/// Mutates the underlying value of `self` with `f`, asserting that after
/// mutation the value is still within the `BITS` range.
pub fn mutate<F, U, COM>(&mut self, f: F, compiler: &mut COM) -> U
COM: AssertWithinBitRange<T, BITS>,
F: FnOnce(&mut T, &mut COM) -> U,
let output = f(&mut self.0, compiler);

Observe that both functions require the trait bound COM: AssertWithinBitRange<T, BITS>, meaning that the compiler must know how to constrain values of type T to the range specified by BITS. Before constructing an UnsignedInteger with fn new, compiler generates constraints that guarantee that T lies in the range specified by BITS. Similarly, fn mutate transforms an UnsignedInteger's value in some way and generates constraints to ensure that the result of the transformation still lies within range before returning a value.

When COM = () is the native compiler, fn new and fn mutate would panic if the inner value of type T exceeds the bit-range. In non-native computation, compiler would generate constraints that the inner value does not satisfy, resulting in an unsatisfied constraint system.

These functions can be seen at work in the implementation of Add and AddAssign for UnsignedInteger:

impl<T, COM, const BITS: usize> Add<Self, COM> for UnsignedInteger<T, BITS>
T: Add<T, COM>,
COM: AssertWithinBitRange<T::Output, BITS>,
type Output = UnsignedInteger<T::Output, BITS>;

fn add(self, rhs: Self, compiler: &mut COM) -> Self::Output {
Self::Output::new(self.0.add(rhs.0, compiler), compiler)

impl<T, COM, const BITS: usize> AddAssign<Self, COM> for UnsignedInteger<T, BITS>
COM: AssertWithinBitRange<T, BITS>,
T: AddAssign<T, COM>,
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self, compiler: &mut COM) {
self.mutate(|lhs, compiler| lhs.add_assign(rhs.0, compiler), compiler);

As a thin wrapper around T, UnsignedInteger<T, BITS> inherits many implementations from T. But not all operations that can be performed on T result in a valid UnsignedInteger. For example, fn add uses the UnsignedInteger::new function to construct its return value, telling compiler to constrain that return value to the bit-range. Similarly fn add_assign calls fn mutate to mutate the value, again generating constraints that enforce a range check on the mutated value.

Checked vs Unchecked

Looking at the body of the UnsignedInteger::new method we see that after a range check it uses fn new_unchecked to construct its return value. ECLAIR exposes fn new_unchecked as a public function because it allows for optimizations in instances where range checks are unnecessary.

For example, if T implements Zero<COM> or One<COM> then we know that T's zero/one value will pass any range check (we require BITS >= 1 for range checks, see AssertWithinBitRange above). Thus the implementation is:

impl<T, const BITS: usize, COM> Zero<COM> for UnsignedInteger<T, BITS>
T: Zero<COM>,
type Verification = T::Verification;

fn zero(compiler: &mut COM) -> Self {

fn is_zero(&self, compiler: &mut COM) -> Self::Verification {

In this instance it would be wasteful to add a range check to the value T::zero(compiler) because the contract of the Zero trait guarantees that this is within range. The same holds for T::one(compiler) in the implementation of One<COM>.

Another example where the unchecked construction should be used is the ConditionalSelect<COM> trait (see Bool):

impl<T, const BITS: usize, COM> ConditionalSelect<COM> for UnsignedInteger<T, BITS>
COM: Has<bool>,
T: ConditionalSelect<COM>,
fn select(bit: &Bool<COM>, true_value: &Self, false_value: &Self, compiler: &mut COM) -> Self {
Self::new_unchecked(T::select(bit, &true_value.0, &false_value.0, compiler))

Again it is appropriate to use unchecked construction because both true_value and false_value are of type UnsignedInteger and so it would be wasteful to perform another range check on their inner values.